From labyrinth to ease: rethinking indoor navigation for trade fairs and events

: Indoor Navigation für Messen und Events neu gedacht
In the dynamic world of event planning, event and exhibition organisers are faced with the challenge of not only creating impressive experiences, but also ensuring that their visitors can effortlessly navigate through complex indoor spaces.

This is where indoor maps and indoor navigation come into play, revolutionary technologies that go far beyond conventional wayfinding.

Indoor maps are detailed digital maps that precisely depict the interior of buildings. Unlike conventional maps, they not only record floors and rooms, but also specific details such as exhibition areas, seating plans and event stages. These digital maps form the basis for the next level of visitor guidance.

Indoor navigation goes one step further. These are intelligent systems that help visitors navigate seamlessly through these indoor maps. Similar to GPS outdoors, indoor navigation systems use various technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, QR codes or RFID to provide precise positioning information. The result is an optimised visitor experience where guests can move effortlessly from A to B without getting lost in the often complex labyrinths of exhibition halls or event locations.

The importance of these technologies for event venues cannot be overemphasised. They are not only signposts, but also architects of the visitor experience. By integrating indoor maps and navigation, event organisers can not only improve visitor flow, but also optimise room layout, minimise bottlenecks and increase overall satisfaction. It’s about not just organising events, but creating spaces where visitors can move around without obstacles to get the most out of their experience.

The complexity of the labyrinth: challenges + opportunities for organisers

Organising events and trade fairs in large indoor spaces presents a unique set of challenges that differ significantly from outdoor requirements.

The complexity of the room structures, often resembling a labyrinth, makes it difficult for visitors to find their way around effortlessly. This not only leads to getting lost and wasting time, but can also cause congestion and bottlenecks when large crowds gather in a confined space. Traditional wayfinding through signage can often be inadequate in these dynamic environments, especially when spontaneous changes need to be made to the layout of the space.

These challenges create a complex matrix in which organisers must not only ensure the smooth functioning of their events, but also keep the satisfaction and safety of visitors in mind.

Challenges for organisers and visitors

Indoor maps: Benefit for your visitor experience

The implementation of indoor navigation not only helps to overcome the challenges faced by event organisers, but also opens up a wide range of benefits that directly improve the visitor experience. One of the key improvements is the precise guidance of the visitor flow. Imagine, visitors are not only guided to their destination, but the routes are intelligently designed to minimise bottlenecks and ensure even distribution throughout the space. This not only improves the overall structure of the event, but also creates a more pleasant atmosphere for guests.

Saving time is also a decisive factor. Visitors can be guided directly to their desired destinations using indoor navigation and indoor maps, without wasting precious time searching for signposts or overcoming obstacles. This not only increases the efficiency of the event, but also allows visitors to focus more on the content and activities they came for. The combination of precise navigation and time savings therefore not only helps to optimise the visitor experience, but also shapes an event environment that is seamless and purposeful. In the following sections, we will dive further into the details and highlight how these benefits are laying the foundation for a transformative future of event and exhibition organisation.

Continuous improvement by analysing movement data

The true strength of indoor navigation is not just in wayfinding, but also in its ability to generate valuable usage data that gives event organisers deep insights into visitor behaviour. By analysing this data, organisers can optimise the layout of their events and trade fairs to minimise bottlenecks and direct visitor flows.

The analysis begins with the collection of movement data – which areas attract particularly large numbers of visitors, where do bottlenecks occur and which routes are favoured? This information is collected and provides a precise snapshot of the current situation. By continuously evaluating this data, event organisers can not only identify current bottlenecks, but also recognise long-term trends and patterns.

Targeted measures can then be taken on the basis of these findings. The room layout can be dynamically adjusted to equalise hotspots and simultaneously strengthen less frequented areas. Bottlenecks can be proactively avoided by the navigation systems suggesting alternative routes. This not only enables efficient utilisation of the available space, but also creates a more pleasant and fluid visitor experience.

Optimising the room layout by analysing usage data thus becomes a proactive tool in event planning. Instead of reacting to problems, organisers can look ahead and continuously improve their events. In the coming sections, we will delve further into the world of data-driven event planning and look at how these technologies create the basis for even more effective event organisation.

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Implementation and Go Live

Integrating indoor navigation into a mobile app is a crucial step in realising the full potential of this technology for events. Here are some steps on how event organisers can successfully integrate this into their event strategy:

  • Implement the technology: Select the appropriate indoor navigation technology based on the specific requirements of the venue (e.g., Bluetooth, QR Codes, WLAN, RFID). Implement the required beacons, sensors or other hardware according to the chosen approach.
  • Event app development: Commission the development of a mobile app specifically tailored to the event. Integrate functions for indoor navigation by utilising the selected technology.
  • Creation of digital indoor maps: Create detailed digital maps of the venue containing all relevant information such as exhibition areas, lecture rooms, toilets and other important points. These maps form the basis for indoor navigation.
  • Prioritise user-friendliness: Ensure an intuitive user interface that allows visitors to use indoor navigation with ease. Simple instructions, clear icons and a user-friendly design are key.
  • Personalised notifications: Use the app to send personalised notifications to visitors. This can include relevant information about upcoming events, special offers or customised routing based on visitors’ interests.
  • Offers and discounts: Integrate a system that generates personalised offers and discounts for visitors. This can be based on their interactions, preferences or location. Organisers can thus respond specifically to the needs of visitors and at the same time increase the attractiveness of certain areas or offers.
  • Data protection and consent: Be sure to provide clear privacy policies and ensure that visitors can give consent for their data to be used for personalised notifications and offers.

The benefits of this integration are manifold. Visitors can use the app to navigate effortlessly through the venue, while organisers have the ability to analyse visitor behaviour and create personalised interactions. Personalised notifications and offers not only improve the visitor experience, but also strengthen loyalty and increase the overall efficiency of the event. It creates a win-win situation for organisers and visitors alike.

Continuously adapting to emerging technologies and integrating indoor navigation systems into event planning promises not only to overcome existing challenges, but also to create innovative, seamless and personalised experiences for visitors. This holistic approach will lead to more efficient events that offer sustainable added value not only to organisers, but above all to visitors.


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